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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hey everybody, my name is Alice and this is my hair journal.

First, I would like to tell you a little about myself. Currently I work as a CNA. I really enjoy my job. Helping people has been a passion of mine for a long time. Although, recently I have been looking into another opportunity in the healthcare field that I will feel you all in on at a later date. But anyway, I have two little ones, my little girl who’s five and my little handsome man who is 3. Although they acts sometimes like they’re ages are in the double digits. You all with kids know exactly what I mean…LOL. But I wouldn’t trade them for all the money in the world.

Having two hyper kids of my own I know that raising a family is not an easy task. And sometimes we as women spend so much time taking care of our families and their needs that we totally neglect ourselves. And it doesn’t have to be that way. And it shouldn’t be that way. Before I had kids I always had a comb and brush in my hand. I had a different hairstyle everyday. Sometimes I would change it two or three times in day and I guess what? I still had plenty of time for other things in my life. But for some reason when I had kids I came up with the excuse that I don’t have time for myself anymore. And an excuse was exactly what it was. So from now on mommy’s that its excuse is out the window. You make time for other things in your life why can’t you make time for yourself. Taking care of yourself in anyway is good for you but for a women having her hair done is a major confidence booster. I know it is for me. I’m not saying its going to happen over night but with hard work and determination you can have beautiful flowing hair like you see on television and magazines. And I’m just starting my hair journey also so you won’t be in this alone. We can help each other. So ask yourself: AM I UP FOR THE CHALLENGE?

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