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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Want Stronger Nail? Try Lemon Juice

Tuesday July 24, 2012

Hi, just wanted to share this little tid bit with you that I just ran across while searching the web. I've always had dry brittle nails. Every time a got a little length they would break and split. I learned today that lemon juice helps strengthen nails. Its an inexpensive little trick. I love a challenge and it sounded good to me so I gave it a try. This is a three week process and my nails have to be left unpolished during this time. I got a mixture of  warm water and lemon juice. It didn't say how much so I just squirted some in, enough to get a good smell from it.  I let my nails soak for twenty minutes then I dried my hands but I didn't wash my hands until after ten minutes then I washed them in lukewarm water. I'm going to do this process everynight for three weeks. After three weeks my nails are suppose to be nice and strong and should be long because they won't be spliting and breaking. After the three weeks this process shouldn't need to be done again for six months. So I really hope this works. I'll be back in three weeks to show you the results.

Nail Length Before Lemon Juice

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